Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 1152 of 3212

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Subject: New to Nos.
From: serious75089
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 2004 20:28:57 -0000
Hello all,

I am new to Nos. It seems so simple. I have had a chance to 
read Mr. Reihard story and view his photos. I am very excited about 
the change in my lifesyle. I plan on giving a major effort to make 
the change. I have already reached a milestone I actually started on 
a Friday. This comfirms the fact that it is definately not a diet 
but a lifesyle change, which I believe one must start immediately. I 
am going to purchase a sledgehammer and begin my shovelglove 
excercises as soon as I can (financial reasons). Which brings me to 
another point. This lifestyle change doesn't cost you anything 
except the cost of a Sledgehammer. Again I am glad to be on this 
journey please wish me luck. I am going for the abs like Reinhard. 
My physique is 6'4 290lbs. I should weith 202. So as you see I have 
a long way to go. However, I am very optimistic about the future. 
Thanks again.


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