Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 1213 of 3212

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Subject: Introduction
From: Steve Lester
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 03:58:00 -0000
Hello everyone, my name is Steve. I just read Thom's post, and 
figured I'd go ahead and jump in too. I'm 48 years old and I live in 
Jacksonville Fl. I am the friend that told Thom about the NOSDiet. 

I have tried many diets in the past and lost and regained several 
hundred pounds. My largest loss was 110 pounds on Optifast, a 500 
calorie a day doctor supervised liquid diet. I went from 330 to 
220. That was in 1991-1992. Just when I was going on the 
maintenance phase, I lost my job of 13 years, and had to relocate my 
family to Tampa for a new job. Needless to say, I never learned 
about maintenance, and gained it all back, and then some. 

I have been looking for something that would work to help me 
permanently lose weight. I have become convinced over the years that 
any kind of overly complicated or depravation diet would just not 
work for me long term. 

I found the NOSDiet using Google. I have been doing the diet since 
last Tuesday. I really like the simplicity of this diet. I am 6'0' 
and as of last Tuesday I weighed 370 pounds. My current goal is to 
loose 160 pounds. Yesterday I weighed in at 365, 5 pounds lost in 
the first week, only 155 to go! This was even after going to a 
family get together on Saturday for my nephews college graduation.
(BBQ ribs & chicken, great side dishes that everyone brought, and the 

deserts...) I splurged a bit on Sunday as well. 

I stuck to the NOS's all during the week though. I am finding the 
diet a little hard in the evenings. It seems like no matter how full 
I stack my one plate at dinner, I still am hungry again later in the 
evening. I have just been drinking lots of water and trying to 
ignore it.

Well that's all for now.. good luck to everyone!

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