Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2084 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Re: Need to lose a lot of weight
From: jeanholton@... (Jeanette Holton)
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 22:26:50 -0500

I just wanted to chime in with the others so far who have said that it
certainly is possible to lose 100 or more pounds on this "diet". I 
"diet" like because it is a diet but yet so counter to diets as we 
them - all of the obsessing, counting, etc. 

No S works for me because of the "built in" calorie control so to 
I am sure I am not alone, but I know I put on weight because in ADDITION
to three meals/day I was also eating 2-3 snacks and a lot of time
additional boredom/emotional eating at night. No S is so cool because I
am not depriving myself of a thing and also not eating like a pig
anymore. :)

And what Reinhard says is SO true....if you only have a limited number
of meals you will really make them count. I really think before I eat
and make sure that each meal is 1) yummy - stuff I really like 2)
nutritionally sound for the most part (balanced) and 3) not too much
food but enough to satisy me until the next meal. 

Another tip that has REALLY helped me stick with No S....it is SO
important to space your meals appropriately according to the hours that
you "keep"! For example...I tend to stay up a bit late and wake 
mid-morning as my schedule allows me to do this. So at first I was
eating a late breakfast and then eating lunch just a couple hours later!
Now it doesn't take a genius to figure out that having only one more
meal for the rest of the day would keep me satisfied! LOL! Sooooo, now 
wait just a bit to eat after rising....have a decent sized "brunch"
meal, eat dinner with my family, and then have a small meal in the mid
evening if I am hungry. Now the meals are evenly spread out and I don't
feel ravenous anymore! :)


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