Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2930 of 3212

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Subject: Hi! (Intro)
From: scorpionzeeagle
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 20:07:20 -0000


I have joined all the groups of Everyday Systems and am currently
following the NoSDiet (since Wednesday) and UrbanRanger. I have posted
just now since I was perusing through all the messages in all the
groups. (Guess I have a lot of time on my hands - j/k) :-)

I actually started the NoS on Wednesday (Feb 16). No problems so far.
Just seems like I am eating more than usual at those 3 meals in the
fear of getting hungry in between (better safe than sorry!) I have not
lost any weight since Wednesday (check my weight once a week) and that
is no surprise. Slow and steady. :-) I usually drink close to a gallon
(4 litres) of water a day; no soda or sweet drinks. I do have a sweet
tooth (so saying no to sweets can be a pain, not impossible). 

Today (Saturday) being an S day, I had 2 home-baked chocolate chip
cookies. BTW, I am the baker in the family while my wife is the cook;
though I do cook occassionally. :-)

I am 33, 5'5", 180lbs and originally from India. Would like to get 
170 lbs (to start with -:)). My final goal is get to between
135-140lbs. I used to do the 5-6 meal plan but it is very difficult to
sustain that pace. I go to the gym 3 times a week (do the MAX-OT style
of weight training) and do cardio (recumbent bike at home) 5 times a
week for 15 minutes (generally do 4 miles per session). I have started
exercising consistently since Feb 1st. :-) I try to go on walks in the
evening, with wife and daughter (who is 15 months), for around an hour
or so.

I am located in Round Rock, TX (north of Austin, TX) and work with
computers on a daily basis.

More later,

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