Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 3017 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Rhetorical Analysis
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 19:48:15 -0000

--- In , "elderhillrocks" 
<elderhillrocks@y...> wrote:
> I am writing an analysis on the NoSDiet and Reinhart Engels, and I 

am seeking an opinion of someone who is on the diet. I am curious 
as to what it was, if something specific, about what you read on the 
website that encouraged you to take on this diet.

... Hello Hill! What an interesting name :)
Well I found the site when I went in search of a different diet a 
friend recommended I read about, called the Blood Type Diet... The 
little NoS google ad popped up, and caught my attention...
On a personal note, I really believe it was destiny!
When I started reading I couldn't stop laughing and nearly 
everything I read "rang true"... It all seems so obvious that most 

diets are doomed to fail, because one will inevitably go "off" of it 

one day... I would say a few highlights which really sealed the deal 
for me were:
(paraphrased of course, sorry Rein I still need a lesson on how to 
lift quotes and plagiarize things when necessary! LOL :)

The part where he wrote about that most diets are a not a "problem 

worth solving" and if you can't imagine yourself eating that way for 

life, don't even bother....
I have lost weight 3 separate times in the last 10 years, and it all 
came flying back on in one bad year of overeating and over sweeting!
I was desperate, but not really interested in another quick 
fix "easy" or "convenient" plan that would severly limit my 
and maybe bring about some quick weight loss, but in the end, leave 
me with all my ingrained long term eating issues... I didn't want to 
put myself through yet another "crazy" plan and quite frankly my 

resolve and willpower needed an enema!
The two other biggies were the fact that Reinhard encourages us to 
use our free will and take responsibility. Stop blaming others for 
your problems and you find it very liberating and really, just the 
thing to boost Willpower and morale... I almost died laughing when 
he came up with the part where he mentions people who choose to 
blame everything under the sun, except of course themselves!, as not 
only irresponsible, but actually "Anti responsible"... That one 

really sealed the deal for me! I couldn't stop thinking, this is 
the "real deal" here...His writing is always a joy to read. It's 

funny and honest without being overly pedantic... Reinhard is a 
very analytical person... He was able to boil everything down, like 
a reduction sauce (but with no Sugar)which makes this "diet" 

palatable...I mean it is such common sense...What is uncommon is how 
intelligent and refreshing it is to read...His writing is 
beautifully simple, yet demands that you actually use your brain and 
challenge your "old habits"...Most people just like to turn away 

from your problems and here comes this guy saying "If you know you 

are the one responsible, you know you can fix things!" Wow! He 
just blew me away... Most of this society is brought up on lying and 
cheating and quick fixes... Thank you Reinhard for pointing us all 
towards our common good, towards the truth and away from the lies!
And then there's the food enjoyment factor?... This is sorely 
lacking in most diets...Obviously Reinhard has impeccable taste and 
would never be able to enjoy diet food! Yuck! LOL... If you wan't 
proof of this, go and look at his link on the homepage... You will 
find yourself looking at his recommended cookbook to use, "The 
Lutece Cookbook"... Lutece was one of the finest eating 
establishments I have ever visited...Very very good food! 
Unfortunately after around 30 years or so of pleasing the more 
discerning diners of NYC, it's no longer open...
So if you want someone to fool you or take away your dignity, go to 
someone elses diet site... Reinhard is for me, the intelligensia of 
diet creators, who will never dumb things down, but will always keep 
things simple... This is really a beautiful piece of art, more than 
a diet... Never condescends, and always speaks the truth.
Reinhard is like a supernova, outshining all the other tiny flash in 
the pan trend based writers, and he is just a complete pleasure!
I've lost about 3 and a half inches and I am toning up my body and 
getting strong with Shovelglove (now this site is one you definitely 
should right a paper on!) and I know that I am finally on an eating 
for life plan that will never hear me saying "NoS why hast thou 
forsaken me?" :)
When you are done with your paper, Hill, could you please make it 
accessible to us all some how? Thanks and good luck writing!
Debbie Feder

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