Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 3039 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Better response to emotions...no food...
From: chris chung
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 14:08:54 -0800 (PST)

YAAYYY Debbie!

Debbie Feder <deborahfederlmt@...> wrote:

Hey you guys :)
I wanted to thank you Reinhard for that post about emotional 
I had quite an upset night yesterday and an even more upsetting 
morning today.... But guess what? I didn't go nuts eating to 
comfort myself... Though at one point last night I had a thought to 
run down and get something, it was way after dinner and I then heard 
*you* in my mind saying
"you will only be punishing yourself" and "Be nice to yourself"
So I didn't! I have been trying too hard to be good, to let a sad 
evening (and we are talking the waterworks were on big time!) make 
me fat. That's no solution is it? I won't use food to medicate my 
bad feelings anymore. That was a really good moment for me so thanks 
for listening guys!
What a good influence and saving grace you and this group has been 
to me... I am finally tackling these life long issues with success 
and I am so proud. I'm still losing weight this week and my inches 
are consistently going down, especially my arms..
I'm too embarrased to say what I started out as inchwise around my 
arms and my waist, but lately I don't even need to "flex" my biceps 

to see and feel the definition which is starting to just "be there" 

Woo hoo! They are now into the next "inch" notch down on my tape 

measure.. Yayyyyy :)
Peace and Love,
From the Cool Bunch and
Leader of the Pact of Blood
13th disciple of the NY Chapter of Shovelglove Brother/Sisterhood....


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