Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 3043 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Back again
From: deeyala fander
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 02:03:06 -0800 (PST)

welcome back beth
i am a new one myself (been a nosdieter for 3 days now) .......!
i think the company gym thing is great.. this way u re sure gonna exercise right 
after work (as part of ur dayily hours at work)...and u wouldnt even be tempted to 
squeeze in another chore into gym time instead..
keep it up ..
but u shouldnt maybe start all the other stuff at the same time... through 
experieince i learnt that the less NEW things u need to get done, the more u 
actuallly get them done.. so take one (or a coupleof) things at a time

BADaly <badaly@...> wrote:

Wow, you guys are hard to catch up with! 
It has been such a bad past few months for us. Primarily, either 
myself or the babies has taken turns at being majorly sick. And to be 
honest, I have not kept up with No-S let alone the posts.
Anyway, I want to lose this weight, so I know I need to get real and 
do this thing now!
SO here is my plan:
1. Follow the No-S rules
2. Cut out all sodas
3. Replace soda drinking by drinking more water and green tea
4. Exercise at least 5 times per week, both aerobic and weight 

I am signing up with the company gym today, I have come to face the 
fact that I simply do not have the time or energy to work out when I 
am at home b/c EVERYONE needs something done for them and I guess I 
am the only one to do things for them. This way, I can do my workout 
here at work, and then go home and take care of everyone else and 
then have time to unwind a bit before bed... and unwinding to me is 
not watching TV and eating, but doing other stuff like reading (I 
LOVE to read) or arts and crafts. That way I get a little me time in 
and don't resent that what little me time I get is spent exercising. 
(Yeah I admit I hate to exercise). In conjunction w/the joining up at 
the gym, I can sign up for exercise classes I have always wanted to 
try, like Yoga and Bellydancing (I just wish they had Nia classes, 
those would be fun).
ANyway, wanted to say hi to everyone. On the bright side of all this, 
the babies are now crawling, so I AM getting exercise in chasing them 
around the house (why do they always want to crawl in the opposite 
direction of each other?).


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