Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 348 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Abs.
From: no1space
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 00:51:52 -0000
--- In , Reinhard Engels 
<beautiful_idiot@y...> wrote:
> Hi no1space,
> > Bottom line- If I stick to the plan, and do *only*
> > Nosdiet, 
> > shovelglove, and urban ranger, and do them
> > religiously, do you think 
> > I'll be pleased with my abs when I'm done?
> It really depends on what will please *you.* This is
> all I do, and I'm pleased, but I'm not about to enter
> any Mr. Universe contests. Do I, as the first and
> presumably most zealous shovelglover out there have a
> 6 pack? Well, I can kinda make out 6 distinct lumps,
> but I don't look anything like the photoshop enhanced
> beefcake in underwear ads. These systems were designed
> for regular people, not athletes. 14 minutes a day (of
> anything) is just not going to get you to that level.
> Would two hours a day do the trick? I have no idea,
> and I'm not about to find out. I don't want to knock
> shovelglove, I obviously think it's great, but I don't
> want to mislead you either.
> Reinhard

What pleases you would probably please me as well. I don't want to be 
the next Calvin Klein underwear model (although that *would* be 
great! ;) ), but I do want to be able to see muscle that is firm and 
flat, without a layer of soft cushion to cover it up 
(read "fat", "flab", "blubber").

Regarding shovelglove, and this may be more appropriate in the 
shovelglove group, so feel free to link this or cut/paste it: Since I 
was having a problem with hands twisting and blisters from the glossy 
finish of the sledge hammer handle, I did buy a pair of suede work 
gloves, and now I use them to do shovelglove. It works like a charm!

P.S. Reinhard- I for one would really like to see those before/after 
pics when you get the nerve and the chance. There's nothing like real 
results for motivation.

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