Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 350 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Abs.
From: Tom
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 06:39:45 -0000

No1space asked;
> Bottom line- If I stick to the plan, and do *only* Nosdiet, 
shovelglove, and urban ranger, and do them religiously, do you think 
I'll be pleased with my abs when I'm done?

I butt in again:
- Bottom line - yes.

To hit more abs, churn butter farther out in front of your body while 
locking your back in good posture, and do other motions farther in 
front. To keep your posture, you'll work your abs tremendously. Tense 
your abs with all your might as you do your workouts. Don't forget to 
breathe, shallowly, quickly, and tense in waves.

Aw heck, just buy Pavel Tsatsouline's Bullet Proof Abs book; Dan 
referred to his work. There are on your back exercises, but once you 
understand his explanations, you'll see that you can do more than 
enough with shovelglove.

BTW, 12% bf is great, but you can look very good to almost anyone 
with an even higher percentage.


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