Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 355 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Back in the saddle again
From: Kevin
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 15:35:26 -0400
I was there, with the breakfast problem...I came to the conclusion that toast 

was the answer. I got different types of bread, different things to put on 

it. Natural jam (none-to little sugar used), peanutbutter, butter...That's 

about it, but changing it around is fine...I find the toast is easy, throw it 

in, finish getting ready, pop it out (my dumb toaster doesn't pop the toast 

back up, so I've got it timed to the time of donning my shoes and coat, and 

it's perfectly toasted for me) I dont' know if you can/actually do have a 

toaster (or toaster oven) in your dorm, but it's a great replacement for the 

pop tarts (That's what I was doing) I also have an apple, sometimes hold 

it 'till I get a little hungry down the road. The apple's a great pick-me-up 

too (today I ran out, and am falling to sleep at my desk). Not the best 

breakfast you can have, but for someone who just doesn't have the time to sit 

down and eat (and yeah, everyone COULD have that time, but I am NOT a morning 

person, and it takes me an hour to get up) it's pretty good. If that's not 

your cup of tea, how about one of those soups to go, if you have a 
microwave...The Cambel's ones that are in the little cup...Not the best soup 

out there and pricey for what it is, not a traditional breakfast, but they 

heat up in a minute and a quarter and are easy to run with. I'm just 
throwing out ideas...I keep a pack of those at work for the times I forget to 

pack a lunch or something. I can't think of anything else off the top of my 

head...Hopefully this'll influence you, or jar some memory of some great 

foodproduct that you'd love to have for breakfast and just didn't realize 


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---------- Original Message -----------
From: Reinhard Engels <beautiful_idiot@...>
Sent: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 07:51:00 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Back in the saddle again

> Welcome back, ceridwenhurdle. Sometimes it takes a
> false start. Try to learn something from it, to
> fortify your second attempt. There usually is
> something to learn.
> The corporations have finally realized that the low
> carb craze could be even more profitable than the low
> fat craze. It seems like every fast food joint now has
> a low carb offering, fresh from the labs of New
> Jersey. With all those ad dollars behind it, I'm not
> surprised that half your neighbors are on one of these
> diets and/or talking about it all the time. Just
> remember how successful the last craze was, and
> silently enjoy your meal. Ever notice that there
> doesn't seem to be a very strong positive correlation
> (to put it mildly) between sticking with a diet and
> talking about it non-stop? How nice, as you point out,
> that the nosdiet makes it easy to avoid that trap.
> As for breakfast, if you have a fridge, you can do
> cold cereal. I guess that's not so portable, though...
> I'm big on cheese and black bread, but that's a weird
> German thing, and again, not quite pop-tart portable
> (close, though). You've heard my panegyrics to fruit,
> but that's not a breakfast in itself. Could you try to
> give yourself a little extra time? You'll save it
> again by avoiding a mid-morning snack, you'll have
> many more options to consider, variety in what you do
> wind up eating, and you'll enjoy it more. If you only
> get 3 meals, after all, try to take a little time to
> enjoy them.
> --- ceridwenhurdle <ceridwenhurdle@...> wrote:
> > Good night--I didn't check this board for month and,
> > well, I've been 
> > swamped trying to catch up! I've skipped a several
> > weeks at a time 
> > before and get a few messages behind, but
> > wow--traffic has really 
> > picked up around here. That's awesome! It's so
> > encouraging to hear 
> > how everyone is doing. (but goodness, killing/eating
> > lumberjacks? --
> > actually that really helped me understand!) 
> > 
> > I've been not so diligent recently (like since
> > October...eek) so, I'm 
> > back at it again!! I noticed results Aug-Oct when I
> > was more faithful 
> > so I know it's possible, and that I'll be pleased
> > and feel better. I 
> > manage not to snack much at all, and am trying not
> > to go overboard on 
> > my S-days. I'm really struggling with breakfast,
> > though. I don't have 
> > a kitchen (in a dorm room) and don't have time to
> > run to the 
> > cafeteria before class... so I end up eating a pack
> > of peanut-butter-
> > on-toasty-crackers and a bottle of water sometime
> > before lunch. That 
> > doesn't count as breakfast, does it? Any suggestions
> > for something 
> > that is quick, portable, and doesn't require
> > cooking? (Yes, people 
> > like me are the reason the pop-tart industry
> > flourishes)
> > 
> > As an aside, over break I was with my family,
> > several of whom are 
> > doing Atkins. They're losing weight, of course, and
> > I'm not going to 
> > sit around and argue with them. I'm glad to see them
> > happy. BUT, at 
> > every meal--*EVERY* meal!--they talked about the
> > diet. And if one ate 
> > a bite of pancake or potato--well, "I'm splurging
> > this time, it's no 
> > big deal." I don't think I like hearing people
> > justify their food 
> > choices. Just eat what you want (within guidelines,
> > duh), for 
> > goodness sake, and enjoy it! This is why I love the
> > no-S. I never 
> > even have to tell people I'm dieting--I can just
> > politely refuse 
> > dessert because I'm full.
> > 
> > It's good to be back on the no-S!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
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> > 
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> > 
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> > http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 

> > 
> >
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------- End of Original Message -------

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