Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 384 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] No Snacks Blues
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 16:47:57 -0800 (PST)
Hi Bonnie,

To obnoxiously quote myself again:

From: http://www.nosdiet.com/#doctor


I love the NoSDiet, but my doctor says I need to eat
4/5/6 meals a day because of my medical condition!

The nosdiet has a little known loophole just for you.
If you look closely at the site, you'll notice that
nowhere does it specify the actual *number* of meals.
Now most people will make a certain assumption, and
most people had better stick with that assumption. But
if you have a medical condition that requires you to
eat more often, you can still do so and be a proud
nosdieter. Just make sure to figure out what number of
meals is right for you, stick with it (no changing the
magic number every day), and invest in some really
small plates. And talk to your doctor, of course. As
for the rest of you, pretend you never read this. It's
for people with doctor's notes only.


I'm no doctor, but I think hypoglycemia qualifies.
Don't make yourself "dizzy" for the sake of this or
any other diet. Give yourself an official fruit or
salad meal in the afternoon and don't feel bad about
it. Just decide up front what you are going to do, and
stick with it. If you find you're getting too much
food under this revised system, it's much easier to
fine tune once you've got the basic discipline down.

Let us know what you decide to do and how it goes.
Best of luck,


--- Bonnie <ronnieb1@...> wrote:
> Dear group,
> Well for me the biggest problem is the long time
> between lunch at noon,
> and dinner at 6 or 6:30. With work , although I
> could move the lunch up a
> bit, my husband and I work together and starting at
> 11:00 he keeps saying 
> is it lunch time yet", so that waiting til noon is
> going some as it is. If I
> could put aside a piece of fruit for say around 3:00
> that would be the answer. It is not a hunger thing,
> but I am 60 and get
> hypoglycemic, if I go longer than 3-4 hours without
> a piece of solid food. A
> salad may be an even better idea, with a bit of meat
> or cheese in it. Not
> having sugar is no big deal as I am not into sweets,
> and no seconds is even
> easier, as I never could eat too much at one
> sitting, unless it is pasta or
> pizza, then I turn into a total pig, my decent being
> of Sicilian blood.
> Perhaps I should settle on doing no S this way and
> so be it, so I won't be
> getting dizzy late in the afternoon.
> Sincerely, Bonnie
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

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