Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 39 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] New Member
From: Justin L Deri
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 15:48:31 -0400 (EDT)
I'll take a swing at the no-sugar "sweets". I have cut out sugary
snacks such as candy bars, but I still chew gum. I think it's
reasonably good for my teeth and social health! Otherwise, I try to
cut out all other processed forms of sugar. I will sometimes have
yogurt with honey added to it. I think honey is good for you. The
main problem for me was eating highly processed sugar... and lots of

On another note, by cutting out the sugary snacks and only having
three meals a day, I have found that I really enjoy my meals when I
have them. One suggestion for people who want to snack is spread out
your lunch slightly. That might be bending "the rules", but I 
Reinhard won't mind. Sometimes what I do is eat most of my lunch,
but leave an apple for an hour later. Then, it's still part of my
lunch, but also provides that bit of energy boost I need in the
afternoon. I try to eat within a reasonable time of lunch. Today
for instance, I ate my apple about forty five minutes after most of
my lunch. Just a suggestion.


On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, scrappintay wrote:

> Hello,I found you guys by looking for the Dr. Gott no sugar no flour
> diet. I saw this little ad on the side saying no s diet and was
> curious and now here I am LOL . I have read all the posts and you
> all seem really neat. I am a daycare provider,and so I am home with
> a kitchen calling me all day. I am still trying to understand the
> whole concept here,it seems foreign to me to not eat anything but
> the 3 meals a day. Always having a snack in the afternoons and then
> usually dessert at night. Well obviously that is where these extra
> calories are coming in. So what you all are doing is,eating 3 meals
> a day and as long as it all fits on one plate? As far as the no
> sugar thing,what forms of sugar are we talking? Can you buy the
> sugar free things they sale for about everything now and still call
> it good or no? I know I have more questions and will be asking them
> but I will leave you guys alone for now. I look forward to hearing
> more about this.
> Tay
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