Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 616 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Quiet week
From: Maxine Smith
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 18:04:31 -0800 (PST)
Well today I did not do well. I was really stressed out about a quiz I took yesterday 
and I dont think I did well on. So today I cheated. And I feel so bad about it. Its 
like starting over again. This next week is my spring break from school and I also 
took a week of my vacation off work. My goal is to walk each day and get back in the 
swing of things. I cant really not eat at work, because Im on a very tight budget and 
at work the food is free. But during the week I try to stick to salads and grilled 
chicken. Fries are my favorite so I let myself have them once a week. Now on the s 
diet it will be on Saturday and just a small one. I just really need to watch it. I 
might see my x husband in May at a friends birthday party so Id like to be at least a 
little lighter by then.

Reinhard Engels <beautiful_idiot@...> wrote:
Hope this is a good sign? If not, pipe up.

I was kind of out of it myself because of my medical
lay up, so here's my attempt to catch up a bit:

Tom, I didn't get a chance to thank you for your long
post Monday. You're right, the financial implications
of the nosdiet are not insignificant! 

Hana, welcome. You're not the first person who's come
to the nosdiet having done something basically
similar. I hope the simple mnemonics and this group
make it even easier to stick to.

Bonnie, that's an impressive haul, between you and
your husband. As far as I know, you're the first
husband and wife nos-dieters. May there be many more!

Lee, I'm happy you seem to have found your stride. 3
weeks is my magic number, you know...

Maxine, it's got to be extra tough working in fast
food -- you have my extra sympathy. If food on the job
is a real danger, you might want to write it off
entirely (not sure how feasible this is). As for time
constraints (you mention you're a student too), at
least the nosdiet is time efficient. But exercise, as
you mention, is going to be tricky. I'd recommend
trying to squeeze in *something* regularly, however
modest. I can't do shovelglove for the next three
weeks while I recuperate from surgery, but I'll make
sure to devote that 14 minute daily block to some form
of exercise every day. I think carving out the time is
the crucial step, and not carving out more than you
can stick with is the key to doing that successfully.

Best of luck to all,



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