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I've got to admit, the marketing folks at McDonald's are brilliant. "Supersize it" is not only clever psychology, but a catchy as hell phrase. It's such a catchy phrase that if you do a google search for "supersize it" most of the hits have nothing to do with mcdonalds or food, people seem to like it so much that they apply it to just about anything. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22supersize+it%22&btnG=Google+Search But I'd rather admire from a distance, and I've come up with my own catchy counter-phrase: "subsize it." The idea is no more supersizes, larges, "regulars" (whatever happened to medium?), grandes or ventes. If there's a choice, make it small. Notice that "small" is often no longer on the menu. They'll call it "child" to dissuade you from buying it or "tall" to make you forget that there is even such a concept as "small." But say it anyway. It's kind of sadistically fun. A little "up yours" to the marketers who (however brilliantly) daily insult your intelligence in a thousand little ways. I'm surprised that, except for misspellings of "subsidize," no one seems to have thought of this yet. Google search for "subsize it": http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22subsize+it%22&sa=N&tab=gw "subsize it" has nothing to do with no-S, but it might be a useful auxiliary system for those with a fast food problem. |
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