Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 3045 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Mayo Rules!!!!
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 12:36:35 -0000

--- In , mayoigo humberto <mayoihumbert@g...> 
> Thanks, Bonnie, and Deb, too! My dorky Foucaultian take on dieting.
> mayo

......Watch your language young lady! There will be no 
Foucaul,,,whaddayacallit?, around here! 
LOL :)

Hey all guess what? It's my six month Shovelglove anniversary today!
Let's all sing! Reinhard you take harmony!
"For she's a jolly good Shugster, for she's a jolly good Shugster. 

For she's a jolly good Shugsterrrrrrrr. Watchout or she'll black 
your eye! Doh, I mean, which nobody can deny!"
I'm going to buy a 16 lb one today or tomorrow to celebrate!
Might be tomorrow because it's looking pretty snowy out there now...
Philip why all the weather pranks! I have had
Genug! (sp? lol)
Deb :)

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